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Portsmouth Newsletter | February 2020

Monthly Newsletter | February 2020

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2020 where we will update you on what’s happening at Portsmouth Golf Course. We hope like us you are looking forward to the 2020 golfing season which will be with us before we know it. We have a lot planned over the coming months both on and off the course which we will share with you below.

It’s been a challenging start to 2020 with large amounts of rainfall falling on our already wet golf course. With this comes a lot of change especially with course set up where we try and offer the best set up we can on a weekly basis. One thing we have done is kept the course open giving customers and members the chance of some fresh air and a swing. A lot of courses have been shut, thankfully we have avoided this.

Greenkeeper’s update


The greens will be a huge focus for us this year with a lot of work planned via a thorough maintenance programme which will start very soon. Alongside this maintenance programme will also be an agronomy programme where we will make sure the greens receive the fertiliser and feed they require to achieve optimum health. Just recently we have slightly increased the height of cut to assist with the health of the leaf and applied a granular fertiliser. We will continue to mow as frequently as possible when conditions allow and move pin positions on a weekly basis.

Those of you that played your golf with us last year will know that we had a tough start to the season with some irrigation issues that were out of our control. This year we find ourselves in a much better position. Once again we do thank you for your patience on what was a testing time for the team.


All tee areas have been off mats throughout the winter period which has given our grass tees an opportunity to rest. Whilst out of play selected teeing areas have received top dress and seed to encourage regrowth to ensure they are ready for when the season commences. We fully appreciate the winter mats aren’t in the best condition and really do appreciate your patience and persistence throughout the challenging winter period. We have paid particular attention to tee areas 6 and 18 which were in poor condition throughout 2019 which we look forward to presenting very soon.


Like with the greens we have continued to cut fairways and rough when opportunity has allowed. The rate of growth is a lot slower this time of year which does assist especially when it’s a struggle to get heavy machinery out onto the golf course. To assist with keeping fairways playable and presentable please do replace divots, especially this time of year when the ground is soft and recovery is a lot slower.


As part of our winter work programme we will be edging all bunkers and assessing sand levels in preparation for the 1st April. We have recently added sand to bunkers in need, this was done over the past 4-6 weeks. When attending to the bunkers we will also be removing any weeds and large stones if any. In March we will take a delivery of new rakes to replace existing and fill in any gaps.


The green keeping team has a comprehensive winter works list which they are currently working through. The list has been compiled on the back or recent customer survey feedback and improvements that as a team we have compiled. All work will contribute towards making sure we have a course in great condition and well presented ready for the forthcoming season. Please keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages for updates on our project work.

Kind regards
Matt and ‘The Team’

Food & Beverage

After a fantastic 2019 the F&B team look forward to 2020 with what seems to be another busy year lined up. There will be another year of club events to look forward to along with an array of functions that we hold on a weekly basis. We have just set up a Facebook page for our Nineteen Bar & Kitchen that will be dedicated to the Bar & Restaurant area keeping you up to date with offers and events. Please give us a like at –


Club update

Another new year with daylight just starting to show a change, hopefully the weather will improve and we can enjoy a dry golfing period.

Our Annual General Meeting on Sunday the 9th February will round off an excellent year for the Club and our Captain Keith Jenkins, even though he was juggling with a very busy career. Keith will pass on the baton to Jason Goldring who has nominated Dave Sibley to support him as his Vice-Captain. They and the officers of the Club look forward to seeing as many members as possible at 3pm this Sunday.

The Members Room is now operational albeit there are few minor items to complete. It’s good to see the room fresh & bright and ready for the new season. We also hope to do a makeover to the office in the next few weeks. This is essential as it’s the first port of call for visitors and potential new Members.

The new World Handicapping System is scheduled to be introduced in November. It’s important to ensure you return as many scores as possible so you maintain a sensible transfer. Remember it will be based on your best eight from your last twenty rounds recorded. You can always add ‘Supplementary Cards’ to augment any lack of competition rounds.

In two years time the Club will be celebrating fifty years at the Crookhorn location. It is intended to mark this milestone with several events. The committee are, at the moment brainstorming ideas as to what they should be and fundraising to support them. Members are also asked to give thought to our ‘Nifty Fifty’ celebrations.

Peter Badger – Club Secretary


We look forward to seeing on the fairways soon.

The Portsmouth team

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Loyaltee™ Open 2024

Here's your invitation to this year's Loyaltee™ Open at your local Glendale Golf course.

Enjoy breakfast, golf & lunch and a chance to win fab prizes. All from just £15 per person!

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Online joining unavailable

2nd June, 11:32am

Loyaltee™ 1 Month plans are currently not available online. Our engineers are working to fix the issue and we hope to be back up & running within 24 hours.

Please try again later, or call your local Glendale Golf centre for more information.

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The Bank Holiday Weekender.

You lucky things – the first long weekend of the year is coming up and we've got some very special offers!

See what's happening at your local Glendale Golf location.

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