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Head Greenkeeper's Blog Castle Point Golf Course

All Glendale Golf Centres reopen 29th March. Prebook your tee time online now!

Castle Point Golf Course

Head Greenkeeper’s Blog

February 2021

Firstly we hope this finds you safe and well during what is now the 3rd national lockdown. We are definitely missing everyone but look forward to welcoming you back sooner rather than later.

Prior to and throughout this lockdown period the greenkeeping team have been working hard behind the scenes, to improve the condition of the course. It hasn’t been easy with the adverse weather conditions but we are slowly getting there. We know some of you will be aware of what the greenkeeping team has been up to through Facebook & Instagram but we wanted to send you a more comprehensive report of what we are and will be doing over the coming months. Included in this month’s update:

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  • Path Works 
  • Drainage Works 
  • Tees & Greens 
  • Long Standing Rough Clearance


Path Works

We are already underway with the path works, these include:

Additional paths are being added or current paths extended on the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18th

The path extensions are primarily to get around wet/muddy areas, getting you onto fairways and from greens to tees.  We also hope the path works will enable the buggies to stay out for an extended period of time, especially during those rainy days.

Drainage works

Since lockdown started, we have had relentless amounts of rain, and subsequently following the rain a few days of snow!

  • 1st Hole – we have created a trench that joins the ditch & runs along the entire length of the fairway in the long standing rough, culminating in the creation of a retention pond area alongside the 1st green.
  • 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th – the front loop as we refer to this, we have managed to create a trench around the middle section of the long standing rough, with trenches feeding off of them into the pond which is in the central areas, we have also managed to create trenches leading into the dyke areas alongside the 5th & 7th holes.
  • 9th Hole – we have extended a trench across from the 9th pond to link with the ditch on the 1st hole, along repairing the drainage works in this area which was blocked due to a collapsed drain. We are also in the process of putting in a bridge for golfers to go over this little trench area. This will hopefully eliminate the water on the small fairway, and allow the flow of water from the ditch to the pond.
  • 12th / 16th Holes – we have created a trench in the left hand long standing rough linking up with the grass ditch in front of the 16th tee, along with clearing this ditch to allow for a better flow of water.
The trenches that come into play, have been filled with pipework & shingle and will be staked accordingly. We have also widened & extended the bridge ends around the course. The majority of this work should be in place and ready for the start of the 2021 season.

Tees & Greens

We have been able to slit & sollo roll the greens on a weekly basis, and were fortunate enough to fertilize these prior to the snow arriving, which will allow for better protection throughout the snow covering. All of the tees have been divoted & re-seeded. We are still hoping to get some kind of levelling out of them before the start of the season, but this is obviously very much weather dependent.

Long Standing Rough Area (Back of 9 & 18th Greens & alongside the 10th Tee)

We have removed all of the brambles & long standing rough behind the greens & alongside the 10th tee. This will become more of a feature, with wood chips & plants etc placed around them.

Buggies Fleet

We will also be adding 8 brand new electric buggies to our fleet. The buggies are already on order and we are hoping to receive them in time for the start of the season.

I’m sure you will agree this is all very exciting, and you cannot wait to get back onto the fairways! In my next update in 2 weeks time, I hope to bring you some more really exciting news about some potential projects surrounding the Driving Range, Practice Area and the 1st Tee Covered Seating area……..

This project is just part of Glendale Golf’s commitment to providing an even better experience for our community of golfers. Find out more about how you can Reconnect Through Golf in 2021:

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Glendale Golf


Reconnect Through Golf

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Loyaltee™ Open 2024

Here's your invitation to this year's Loyaltee™ Open at your local Glendale Golf course.

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Online joining unavailable

2nd June, 11:32am

Loyaltee™ 1 Month plans are currently not available online. Our engineers are working to fix the issue and we hope to be back up & running within 24 hours.

Please try again later, or call your local Glendale Golf centre for more information.

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The Bank Holiday Weekender.

You lucky things – the first long weekend of the year is coming up and we've got some very special offers!

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