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COVID update from our Golf Team

All Glendale Golf Centres will be closed from 5th January until further notice

Updated 20 January 2021

COVID update from our Golf Team

We’re missing not having you around to make the most of our beautiful green spaces, but it goes without saying that we all need to do our bit so we can return to normality as soon as possible.

We want to take this opportunity to provide an update from our Golf Team and answer questions you may have relating to the temporary closure of our golf centres, and what we’re doing in preparation to welcoming you back when the time’s right.

Our centres will be operating on minimal staff, so if you need to contact us please use our website. We are receiving a high volume of enquiries, so we apologise for any delays in responding, but please be assured we are working through them as quickly as possible.

We look forward to seeing you back on the fairways soon, but for now, we would like to thank you for your understanding and patience and to recognise the incredible efforts and support of our customers and staff over this difficult period.

Stay safe and look after each other.

The Glendale Golf Team

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What happens to my membership during lockdown?

We automatically suspended all Loyaltee membership plans from 5th January, so you won’t lose any of your membership term. We don’t yet know exactly when our golf centres will reopen, but when we do, your membership will resume as normal and you won’t need to do anything further.

Members who pay by monthly Direct Debit

We have suspended all Direct Debits so you won’t be charged in February. Your January Direct Debit was taken as normal at the beginning of the month, before the Government lockdown announcement was made. This means you won’t pay anything for the first month after we reopen. Your monthly payments will then continue as normal from the following month. Please do not cancel your Direct Debit agreement as unavoidable charges may be incurred.

Members who pay annually

Your membership was suspended from 5th January and will resume automatically from the day we reopen, so you will still receive your full year’s membership entitlement without losing anything.

[dt_default_button link=”url:%23!%2Fteetimes|||” smooth_scroll=”y” size=”custom” font_size=”17px” icon_size=”18px” button_padding=”12px 14px 12px 14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”0px” text_color=”#7bb519″ default_btn_border_color=”#7bb519″ default_btn_bg=”n” default_btn_border_hover=”n” icon_type=”picker” icon_picker=”fas fa-chevron-circle-down” icon_align=”right” css=”.vc_custom_1611150067715{margin-right: 10px !important;margin-bottom: 10px !important;}”]What happens to my prepaid tee time?[/dt_default_button]

What happens to my prepaid tee time?

If you had booked/paid in advance for a tee time from 5th January, you will have been contacted directly by your local Glendale Golf centre team.

We are working with each of our customers to reschedule tee times to a date to suit you, from 1st March onwards, which is the earliest we anticipate reopening. We do understand the inconvenience of rescheduling tee times, but we really appreciate how patient and understanding you have been in these challenging circumstances. Just think how nice it will be to eventually return to the fairways with a guaranteed tee time!

If you have a prepaid tee time and have yet to hear from us, please click here to contact your local Glendale Golf centre.

[dt_default_button link=”url:%23!%2Fsafety” smooth_scroll=”y” size=”custom” font_size=”17px” icon_size=”18px” button_padding=”12px 14px 12px 14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”0px” text_color=”#7bb519″ default_btn_border_color=”#7bb519″ default_btn_bg=”n” default_btn_border_hover=”n” icon_type=”picker” icon_picker=”fas fa-chevron-circle-down” icon_align=”right” css=”.vc_custom_1611151265203{margin-right: 10px !important;margin-bottom: 10px !important;}”]What happening to the golf centres during lockdown?[/dt_default_button]
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What's happening to the golf centres during lockdown?

In line with the current lockdown restrictions, we are operating our golf centres with a reduced team that are responsible for the maintenance and security of our clubhouses and golf courses.

We are continuing a programme of essential maintenance on our courses, to ensure they are in the best possible condition when we reopen, which we anticipate will be at the start of the golf season.

The great news is that we are progressing with all project/improvement programmes as normal, including important drainage, irrigation and turf aeration works. While we miss not having you here to enjoy our courses, the lockdown provides our maintenance teams with the ideal opportunity to continue these works without disruption and the turf gets a well-earned rest.

[dt_default_button link=”url:%23!%2Fteetimes2″ smooth_scroll=”y” size=”custom” font_size=”17px” icon_size=”18px” button_padding=”12px 14px 12px 14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”0px” text_color=”#7bb519″ default_btn_border_color=”#7bb519″ default_btn_bg=”n” default_btn_border_hover=”n” icon_type=”picker” icon_picker=”fas fa-chevron-circle-down” icon_align=”right” css=”.vc_custom_1611152742273{margin-right: 10px !important;margin-bottom: 10px !important;}”]When can I book a tee time again?[/dt_default_button]

When can I book a tee time again?

We will notify all our customers as soon as we have a confirmed reopening date. Look out for updates via email, social media and our website.

We expect another huge demand for golf when we reopen. We find that most golfers book 48-72 hours in advance, so we advise you to book further ahead as tee time availability will be limited.

We don’t yet know what restrictions will be in place when the lockdown ends, but it’s likely that group sizes will be limited and food & beverage services will be restricted, similar to the previous Tier system.

Golf courses will play a key role in supporting the nation as it emerges from COVID. The lockdown measures have made it much harder for people to exercise, so we’re looking forward to helping our communities recover.

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3 reasons to play golf (or take it up!)

[dt_button link=”″ target_blank=”true” button_alignment=”center” size=”big” smooth_scroll=”true”]Watch video[/dt_button]
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Loyaltee™ Open 2024

Here's your invitation to this year's Loyaltee™ Open at your local Glendale Golf course.

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Online joining unavailable

2nd June, 11:32am

Loyaltee™ 1 Month plans are currently not available online. Our engineers are working to fix the issue and we hope to be back up & running within 24 hours.

Please try again later, or call your local Glendale Golf centre for more information.

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The Bank Holiday Weekender.

You lucky things – the first long weekend of the year is coming up and we've got some very special offers!

See what's happening at your local Glendale Golf location.

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10% off your next round

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